

Ryszard Pawlik

Ryszard Pawlik

An EU affairs professional with over  15 years of work experience in Brussels – as an assistant to the President of the European Parliament, and since 2012 - as an adviser to MEP Jerzy Buzek, member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

He has extensive expertise in energy, climate and industrial policies of the EU. During his career he has been involved in elaborations and negotiations on substantial number of key EU legislative files in these fields - including the Security of Gas Supply Regulation, the ETS Directive and revision of the Gas Directive, proposals for the EU Electricity Market Design and the Hydrogen and Gas Package.

The concept of a just transition is close to him not only because of his home region of Silesia: from the beginning he supported Jerzy Buzek in his efforts in the EP to create the Just Transition Fund - today Poland is its largest beneficiary in the EU.

Co-author of the S. Batory Foundation’s report on “Back to Europe. Recommendations for Polish European policy” (2024).

Participates in the sessions:

Accompanying events
The Energy Day of the GZM Metropolis

Transformation of the energy sector of Śląsk and Zagłębie