

Olga Sypuła

Olga Sypuła

Country Manager, European Energy Polska

Engineer, project manager, and urban planner who holds degrees from the Koszalin University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology. With a career spanning since 2007, she has honed her expertise in the energy sector at WKN/Sevivon for 14 years. Since January 2021 she has been the country manager at European Energy Polska.

In addition to her professional endeavors is deeply committed to knowledge sharing, routinely engaging in public speaking, and actively participating in panel discussions. Notably, she is the originator and organizer of the esteemed Polish-Danish Energy Roundtable, chairwoman of the onshore wind energy working group at the Polish Wind Energy Association, a member of the RES Council, and an integral part of several working groups at the Lewiatan Confederation.

Participates in the sessions:

opening session

Inaugural Session: Transformation of the Polish energy sector

debata panelowa

Onshore wind in Poland. Offshore wind on the Baltic. Maintenance services in wind power generation