

Mirosław Pawełczyk

Mirosław Pawełczyk

Habilitated Doctor of Juridical Sciences, associate professor at the University of Silesia. Leader of the Economic Law Research Team at the Institute of Law of the University of Silesia and Director of the Research Center for Public Competition Law and Sectoral Regulations at the University of Silesia. Chairman of the Coordinator Council of Center for Design, Fashion and Advertisement Law at the University of Silesia in Katowice.

Attorney-at-law. Managing Partner of the Law Firm Pawełczyk Radcowie Prawni i Adwokaci. Member of the Program Council of the Center for Research and Legislation of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law, member of the program council of the journal "Radca Prawny", member of the scientific council of the journal "Zeszyty Naukowe Prawa Gospodarczego i Handlowego". Ordinary member of the Association of Energy Trading. Visiting Research Fellow at the Chinese-German Institute for Intellectual Property at Huazhong University of Science and Technology/HUST (China, 2017-2020).

An expert of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law in legislative processes and a member of the Expert Team appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister (Ministry of State Assets), which prepared the "Business Constitution". Member of the Corporate Supervision Reform Committee appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister (Minister of State Assets) and the Social Codification Commission. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Intellectual Property (www.iip.edu.pl). President of the Polish Foundation of Competition Law and Sector Regulation Ius Publicum.

Arbitrator of the Court of Conciliation at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, judge of the Stock Exchange Court, Court of Arbitration at the General Prosecutor's Office, Court of Arbitration at the National Depository for Securities and the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Olympic Committee.

Member of supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholding, operating in strategic sectors as well as entities in the financial and sports sector. Laureate of the Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for significant achievements in the field of organizational activity. Published over 160 academic papers i.a. in the field of commercial law, competition law, infrastructure sectors law, intellectual property law and capital market law.

Participates in the sessions:

Accompanying events
The Energy Day of the GZM Metropolis

Transformation of the energy sector of Śląsk and Zagłębie