

Hubert Put

Hubert Put

Senior Consultant and Polish Market Expert, Department of Analytics


He is involved in the analysis of energy storage projects (BESS, CAES) as well as is the person responsible for the consulting department and acts as an expert for the Polish market in Montel.

He has significant experience in the area of energy markets, regulation and policies in the energy sector. His work has been mainly focused on energy market analysis and the impact of regulatory changes on the energy sector, both in the UK and Poland.

Author of numerous popular science articles e.g. on the impact of regulation on offshore wind and grid development, and analysis of negative prices in European energy markets. Co-author of analyses for e.g. the Youth Climate Council or the UN Global Compact Network Poland. Member of the Climate Leadership Programme of UNEP/GRID and the Polish Committee of the World Energy Council.

Double M.Sc. of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) programme at the AGH UST in Krakow and the University of Lisbon. Alumnus of the premiere edition of the OECD Youthwise programme, graduate of the energy markets knowledge course organized by the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET).

Participates in the sessions:

debata panelowa

Energy storage facilities – the system, market, transformation