

Henryk Kaliś

Henryk Kaliś

President, Industrial Energy Sector and Energy Recipients Chamber; Chairman, Gas and Electricity Consumers Forum

Plenipotentiary of the Board for Electricity Management, ZGH ‘Bolesław’ SA

Proxy of the Management Board for Electrical Power Management at the mining and smelting plant Zakłady Górniczo-Hutnicze „Bolesław” S.A., President of the Management Board of the Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers, and President of the Management Board of the Electrical Energy and Gas Customers Forum.
He graduated from the Electrical Faculty at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and completed post-graduate studies in the area of Electrical Energy, Heat and Gas Market. He developed and implemented a system for management and supervision of electrical power consumption at ZGH “Bolesław” S.A. Initiator and co-organizer of the Electrical Energy and Gas Consumers Forum (Forum Odbiorców Energii Elektrycznej i Gazu, FOEEiG), combining 7 Polish industry organizations. At present, he is Proxy of the Management Board for Electrical Power Management at ZGH Bolesław S.A., President of the Management Board of FOEEiG, and President of the Management Board of the Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers. His work and results achieved by him were recognized by “Nowy Przemysł” economic monthly, which awarded him twice for his contribution to development of a competitive electrical energy market in Poland. He is also a laureate of Klucz Sukcesu [Success Key] awarded by “Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa” magazine published by Wydawnictwo BMP, for his contribution to development of energetics in Poland, as well as Laur Białego Tygrysa Polskiej Energetyki [Polish Energetics White Tiger Laurel] awarded by the editorial team of “ENERGIA” magazine and energetykon.pl portal.

Participates in the sessions:

debata panelowa

Industry, energy, investments. PPA and the green energy market