

Dorota Jeziorowska

Dorota Jeziorowska


Director of the Polish Association of Professional Combined Heat and Power Plants

Dorota Jeziorowska is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management at the AGH UST in Cracow and the Faculty of Law at the ESLA.

Since 2012, she has been engaged in research activities in the field of energy, collaborating with, among others, the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2015, her professional activities have been focused on the field of regulations in the power generation industry. At that time, she worked in government administration (at the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of State Assets), were she was responsible for the areas of district heating and cogeneration.

She led legislative work on heat tariff regulations and the process of notifying the European Commission of the support mechanism for electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (among others). She was also involved in the legislative processes introducing the CHP support system into the legal order and ensuring its proper functioning. She participated in the negotiation of energy and climate policy documents at the EU and in the work on their implementation into national legislation. She gained professional experience in companies in the power generation industry operating in the areas of electricity and heat generation, as well as their transmission and distribution (PGE Energia Ciepła S.A., Fortum Power and Heat Polska Sp. z o.o.). She dealt with the topics of regulation and the heat market.

She is also the author of dozens of articles and scientific publications in the field of energy including: district heating, cogeneration, energy efficiency, energy transition issues, and mining.

As of September 2022, Dorota Jeziorowska has served as Director of the Polish Association of Professional Combined Heat and Power Plants.

Participates in the sessions:

debata panelowa

The energy market

debata panelowa

Heating: transformation and investments