

Bogdan Pilch

Bogdan Pilch

Manager with long experience in managerial positions in Polish and foreign companies in the energy sector (PGE Energia Odnawialna - President, GDF SUEZ - Vice President), gas sector (Gaz de France Poland - President, Statoil Poland - Director), production sector (H. Cegielski Poznan - President), finance (Magnus Brokerage House - President).

Experience in management, preparation of development strategies and investment projects for many companies. Participation in the implementation of investment projects in conventional and renewable power industry, including obtaining financing for these projects. Knowledge and ability to cooperate with the authorities and local government and institutions from the business environment. Extensive experience in cooperation with the media and active participation in conferences, congresses and seminars.

Participates in the sessions:

debata panelowa

Polish industry for the new energy sector

debata panelowa

Nuclear energy