

Andrzej Sidło

Andrzej Sidło

Counselor, Department of Nuclear Energy


Currently in Ministry of Industry Republic of Poland (NEPIO of Polish nuclear program), responsible for:

-        Supply chain / local content issues of Polish nuclear program,

-        Industry related activities for Polish industry in order to build up nuclear competencies: implementation of training programs, specialized trade missions, R&D policies,

-        Technical regulations within nuclear program

Previous post: 10 years of experience as Project manager and Project Director of overseas energy/industry projects (including nuclear) of ZREW/Polimex Mostostal (EU and others).

Master degree in corporate finance of University of Economy in Cracow (Poland) and post graduated study - MBA level (Corporate management) in IAE - Univeristé Lille I (France).

Participates in the sessions:

debata panelowa

Nuclear energy

Accompanying events
The Energy Day of the GZM Metropolis

Transformation of the energy sector of Śląsk and Zagłębie