- DAY 1 2024.10.02
- DAY 2 2024.10.03
Onshore wind in Poland. Offshore wind on the Baltic. Maintenance services in wind power generation
Session translated simultaneously EN / PL
Online broadcast session
Thematic scope
Off-shore wind on the Baltic
The role of offshore wind energy in energy transformation. Industry development potential, implementation conditions, regulations, auction schedule, partnerships with foreign investors. When will electricity from Polish off-shore wind farms be fed into the grid? Project advancement, schedules, port infrastructure. Polish contribution to offshore wind energy. The real potential of local content. Knowledge, qualifications, training, know-how. General contracting, turbine suppliers, construction of connection infrastructure. Partnerships with foreign investors. Installation ports on the Polish coast.
Maintenance services for wind power generation
The demand for equipment and services in successive phases of investments in RES: preparation, construction, installation, utilization, maintenance, decommissioning. Maintenance of on-shore and off-shore equipment. Scope and standards, specifics and methods of servicing on-shore and off-shore installations. Manufacturing, transportation and assembly of masts. Maintenance services. Work ships for the construction and operation of off-shore wind farms. Connection to the electricity grid. Consulting services sector.
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